Motivation: If you’re a bus-rider and public transportation enthusiast like myself, you probably use Next Bus – well I do anyway. Next Bus is great (usually). It tells me exactly how many minutes I have until the bus rolls up to my bus stop… when it’s right.
Having missed my fair share of early buses and waiting for what seems like ages when Next Bus continuously predicts just a few more minutes, I thought it would be an interesting and worthwhile problem to investigate… and also a good excuse to experiment working with some APIs and cool intereactive visualizations using JavaScript and D3. So I sought out to determine how accurate Next Bus predictions really are.
Disclaimer: I use R and Python on a regular basis for scripting and data analysis. I’ve worked with APIs before, but am by no means an expert.
This is my first real venture into JavaScript and D3, so this is much more of an experiment than an expert-guide. Anyhow, this is what I did.
I live in DC, so I tapped the WMATA (Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority) API for my data. I live in a house, which is near a bus stop, so I pulled predictions for my bus stop (selfish, I know) every 10 seconds for about a week.
First: Get API key: Pretty straightforward. You can register in a couple clicks here.
Second: Access data from API: I found a great library that made this pretty simple: python-wmata from bycoffe on Github.
import datetime
from urllib import urlencode
from urllib2 import urlopen
import json
except ImportError:
import simplejson as json
class WmataException(Exception):
class Wmata(object):
base_url = ''
def __init__(self, apikey):
self.apikey = apikey
def _build_url(self, svc, endpoint, query={}):
query.update({'api_key': self.apikey})
url = self.base_url % {'svc': svc, 'endpoint': endpoint}
return '%s?%s' % (url, urlencode(query))
def _get(self, svc, endpoint, query={}):
self.url = self._build_url(svc, endpoint, query)
response = urlopen(self.url)
if response.msg == 'OK': = json.loads(
raise WmataException('Got invalid response from WMATA server: %s' % response.msg)
def lines(self):
return self._get('Rail', 'JLines')['Lines']
def stations(self, line_code):
return self._get('Rail', 'JStations', {'LineCode': line_code})['Stations']
def station_info(self, station_code):
return self._get('Rail', 'JStationInfo', {'StationCode': station_code})
def rail_path(self, from_station_code, to_station_code):
return self._get('Rail', 'JPath', {'FromStationCode': from_station_code, 'ToStationCode': to_station_code})['Path']
def rail_predictions(self, station_code='All'):
return self._get('StationPrediction', 'GetPrediction/%s' % station_code)['Trains']
def rail_incidents(self):
return self._get('Incidents', 'Incidents')
def elevator_incidents(self, station_code='All'):
return self._get('Incidents', 'ElevatorIncidents', {'StationCode': station_code})
def station_entrances(self, latitude=0, longitude=0, radius=0):
return self._get('Rail', 'JStationEntrances', {'lat': latitude, 'lon': longitude, 'radius': radius})['Entrances']
def bus_routes(self):
return self._get('Bus', 'JRoutes')['Routes']
def bus_stops(self):
return self._get('Bus', 'JStops')['Stops']
def bus_schedule_by_route(self, route_id, date=None, including_variations=False):
if date is None:
date ='%Y-%m-%d')
if including_variations:
including_variations = 'true'
including_variations = 'false'
return self._get('Bus', 'JRouteSchedule', {'routeId': route_id, 'date': date, 'includingVariations': including_variations})
def bus_route_details(self, route_id, date=None):
if date is None:
date ='%Y-%m-%d')
return self._get('Bus', 'JRouteDetails', {'routeId': route_id, 'date': date})
def bus_positions(self, route_id, including_variations=False):
if including_variations:
including_variations = 'true'
including_variations = 'false'
return self._get('Bus', 'JBusPositions', {'routeId': route_id, 'includingVariations': including_variations})['BusPositions']
def bus_schedule_by_stop(self, stop_id, date=None):
if date is None:
date ='%Y-%m-%d')
return self._get('Bus', 'JStopSchedule', {'stopId': stop_id, 'date': date})
def bus_prediction(self, stop_id):
return self._get('NextBusService', 'JPredictions', {'stopId': stop_id})
With this Wmata
class, here’s the fastest way to access the API:
runfile('') # running code above that defines the class `Wmata`
api = Wmata('kfgpmgvfgacx98de9q3xazww') # put your API key here
stopid = '1003043' # put your bus stop ID here
buspred=api.bus_prediction(stopid) # hitting API
which returns something like this when you print buspred
>>> print buspred
{u'Predictions': [{u'DirectionNum': u'1',
u'DirectionText': u'South to Federal Triangle',
u'Minutes': 19,
u'RouteID': u'64',
u'TripID': u'6783533',
u'VehicleID': u'6495'},
{u'DirectionNum': u'1',
u'DirectionText': u'South to Federal Triangle',
u'Minutes': 41,
u'RouteID': u'64',
u'TripID': u'6783534',
u'VehicleID': u'2100'}].
u'StopName': u'New Hampshire Ave + 7th St'}
Pretty fast! Here’s the first function I wrote to actually process the pulled data from the API. It’s pretty simple – it parses the JSON object pulled from the API into an array with the useful bits of information we want to save.
## parses JSON bus prediction times
import json
import datetime
import time
import datetime
def extractPred(buspred):
now =
preds = len(buspred.items()[1][1])
for b in range(0, preds):
v.insert(b, [v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6])
return v
Here’s what it does. It actually transforms the JSON into an array of arrays. Each array is a prediction for a different bus. This happens for the same reason that when you check Next Bus on your phone, you see predictions for the next 2 or 3 buses en route towards your stop. In this example one bus is 19 minutes away while another is 41 minutes away.
>>> print extractPred(buspred)
[[datetime.datetime(2014, 9, 11, 22, 58, 11, 776324),
u'South to Federal Triangle',
[datetime.datetime(2014, 9, 11, 22, 58, 11, 776324),
u'South to Federal Triangle',
I probably could have skipped this step and transformed the the JSON directly to a flat file (or database), but this was made the most sense to me at the time and it works.
is the function that I initialize with the information I want to extract from the API and let rip for an hour, day, week, or however long you want to save predictions for.
It’s basically a big wrapper around extractPred
. It writes the predictions to a .txt file every 10 seconds, or however often you specify with the freq
is the name of the output .csv datafile where results will be writtenfreq
is the frequency in seconds that the function will make a call to the APImins
is the number of minutes the function will run forstopid
is the ID for the bus-stop you want to pull data for
import csv
import datetime
import time
def write2text(filename, freq=10, mins=10, stopid='1003043'):
with open(filename, 'wb') as outcsv:
writer = csv.writer(outcsv, delimiter='|', lineterminator='\n')
writer.writerow(['time', 'Minutes', 'VehicleID', 'DirectionText', 'RouteID', 'TripID'])
stime =
while < stime + datetime.timedelta(minutes=mins):
tmp = extractPred(buspred)
NumOfLists = sum(isinstance(i, list) for i in tmp)
print buspred
print('numOfLists', NumOfLists)
for i in tmp:
writer.writerow([i[0], i[1], i[2], i[3], i[4], i[5]])
print([i[0], i[1], i[2], i[3], i[4], i[5]])
writer.writerow([tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2], tmp[3], tmp[4], tmp[5]])
writer.writerow([, 'NA', 'NA', 'NA', 'NA', 'NA', 'NA'])
print [, 'some error...']
Now we can start harvesting data. I used an old laptop and let it rip for a week by running the code below by setting min=60*24*7
api = Wmata('kfgpmgvfgacx98de9q3xazww') # put your API key here
stopid = '1003043' # put your bus stop ID here
write2text('data/bus64_outputData.txt', freq=10, mins=60*24*7) # start hitting API
Here’s what the a snippet of the collected data (bus64_outputData.txt
) looks like:
time Minutes VehicleID DirectionText RouteID TripID
2014-08-04 18:43:33.525000 17 6506 South to Federal Triangle 64 6464186
2014-08-04 18:43:33.525000 37 7228 South to Federal Triangle 64 6464187
2014-08-04 18:43:33.525000 56 7235 South to Federal Triangle 64 6464188
2014-08-04 18:43:33.525000 80 7231 South to Federal Triangle 64 6464189
2014-08-04 18:43:43.868000 17 6506 South to Federal Triangle 64 6464186
2014-08-04 18:43:43.868000 37 7228 South to Federal Triangle 64 6464187
So now we’ve collected a lot of data from Next Bus. I got ~190,000 rows for one bus stop for just one week. So what do we do with it all? Checkout the next post.